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Обложки лицензионной версии

I-16: Вот,решил выложить в хорошем качестве.

Ответов - 75, стр: 1 2 3 4 All

Звезда: Где можно купить лицензированные диски?

I-16: Звезда пишет: Где можно купить лицензированные диски? В Чехии или Словакии

Agothx: Have anyone heard of any plans to release the tv series on blueray, 1080? or 720p? Or have any information about?

Сергей: Agothx пишет: Have anyone heard of any plans to release the tv series on blueray, 1080? or 720p? Or have any information about? All info for HD only for Admin!

Agothx: Oh hehe, was just curious if anyone knew if there is any plans to release the series on blueray, should be better than DVD etc:) And im sure the original film photage can support blueray, is better than DVD quality:) I have the dvd version by PlusProduction & STV myself, bought many many years ago, but would definately buy the blueray if it ever came out too:)

Сергей: Ребята что это за "bluеray" о котором он здесь так много говорит, а? Я никак понять не могу...

Agothx: Blueray= блюрэй = 1920x1080 resolution or 1280 x 720 (pixels) video dvd is only 720x480(pixels) resolution video https://ru.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blu-ray_Disc

Сергей: Agothx пишет: Blueray= блюрэй = 1920x1080 resolution or 1280 x 720 (pixels) video dvd is only 720x480(pixels) resolution video Ok. I`m understand Agothx

Agothx: Сергей wrote: Ok. I`m understand Agothx Cool:) Language problems is to be expected:)

Сергей: Agothx пишет: Cool:) Language problems is to be expected:) Не беда! Majka`s fans всегда найдут общий language, yes?

Agothx: Sergei writes: Не беда! Majka`s fans всегда найдут общий language, yes? Yes Always

Zazzmataz: Agothx пишет: Have anyone heard of any plans to release the tv series on blueray, 1080? or 720p? I havent heard, but i think it senseless if done without full movie restavration from film. Quite serious hardware needed to do such high-quality Blue-ray or Hd-dvd copy. I have read about how old 3 first "Star Wars" series were restored. Every film frame was scanned to 70mrgabyte file by high resolution scanners and then processed by 600 computers. All, digitalization and processing have took 1 month by group of specialists. And also special software is needed to increase detailing of video, correction colors etc. You can simply scale to increase video frame resolution but it wouldnt increase video quality. Я не слышал, но думаю это бессмысленно без полного восстановления фильма с пленки. Дорогое оборудование и много времени нужно чтобы сделать такое видео высокого разрешения. Для восстановления 3х старых частей "Звездных Войн" потребовалось 600 компьютеров и месяц их работы, а также коллектив специалистов. Также нужно программное обеспечение для увеличения детализации, коррекции цветов итд. Кончно можно просто масштабировать кадр просто увеличив его но это не улучшит качество.

Agothx: Well with todays technology and computer power this is done quickly and cheap, its beeing done for most old movies ever made already, so wont cost much. But yes the ones doing it will need to have to use the original film tapes, and have access to some high end equipment.

Agothx: The cost in money and man power is very small now compared to what it was 5 years ago, only need access to certain hardware equipment of a big studio for a couple days. To port film to digital. Comparing it to star wars over a decade ago is a mute point, lucas was a forerunner of the technology that now means 10 thousands of movies have been digitized and are 1080p, everything from movies going back to 1900 star wars = george lucas star wars, tends to get lost in translation and dont want that lol.

I-16: Agothx пишет: Have anyone heard of any plans to release the tv series on blueray, 1080? or 720p? Or have any information about? No, unfortunately I have no any additional information on this

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